Breakfast Thieves

I've been to Breakfast Thieves twice in the past week - once at 9am on Sunday, and once in the early afternoon on a weekday.  The fact that it was jam packed with excited customers on both occasions is a testament to its status as one of the hottest new brunch places in town.

Accordingly, I had high expectations going in.  

On my first visit, we shared three dishes between us: My French Lady, The Breakfast Chain and simple eggs on toast.

My French Lady

Recipe book review: Tanya Bakes

So I thought I would try out a new type of blog post here on FeasToWest: where I give you my first impressions on recipe books and my experience of a few of the recipes. I thought I would start with 'Tanya Bakes'. As a big Tanya Burr fan, I pre-ordered this when I heard she was releasing a baking book, and it arrived on my doorstep a couple of months ago. I didn't waste any time in trying out a few of the recipes!

The book itself is honestly absolutely beautiful. The recipes are laid out so that they are really easy to navigate and very relatable. The book is split into a number of sections: Cookies & Biscuits; Muffins, Cupcakes & Traybakes; Cakes & Loaves; Puddings; Pastry; Bread; Brunch and Special Occasions - so there is definitely something for everyone. What struck me straight away is the stunning photography throughout the book: each recipe has a picture next to it, and I can promise you that every single one makes the bake look irresistible. Tanya has also added a personal touch to each recipe: there is a little paragraph at the top of each recipe explaining how it relates to her life, which I think makes the book unique.

Le Bab

Kingly Court, off Carnaby Street, is a fantastically charismatic area in Soho full of restaurants. Tucked in the corner of the top floor one can find 'Le Bab'. The restaurant has revamped and revived the humble kebab, using seasonal produce.